Theatrical Dance of Egypt When the power and beauty of traditions meet contemporary expression and creativity

Weekly classes

The classes last one hour and quarter and begin with an appropriate warming-up, accessible to all, allowing the body to work safely and the spirit to open and be peacefull.

Then comes the dance itself which allows to evolve in the progressive control of the dances of Egypt, always bearing in mind that this weekly activity should also be a refreshing moment of pleasure and enjoyment.

The weekly classes in Brussels are accessible to all dancers willing to explore the following aspects of the dance, with precision and structure but also contentedly, with a touch of “profound lightness”:

  • the firmly rooted posture and the “positive weight” of the body, the resting on the ground
  • the isolation of each part of the body
  • the extreme flexibility and tonicity of the spine, shoulders, neck...
  • the beauty and the range of variations with the arms, wrists and hands
  • the power and extreme mobility of the pelvis
  • the clarification of and search for multiple face expressions
  • the gradual and coherent construction of the gesture, the fluid sequence of movements
  • the way of taking up the stage
  • the learning of the ability to improvise, which contributes to form the personality of a dancer, whether amateur or professional


The Tarab teaching emphasizes the personality of every woman, not so much pursuing identical movements but rather encouraging every dancer to get in touch with her diversity and sense of identity.

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Apart from giving dance lessons, Béatrice also evokes during her classes and through conferences, the history of Egyptian music, its diversity and the great personalities of composers and interpreters.

In addition, Béatrice takes us through a discovery of past and present Egypt, thereby transmitting its traditions, way of life, treasures and even contradictions at times, with a view to ruling out pre-conceived ideas and clichés.



Espace Tarab - 96 chaussée de Roodebeek - 1200 Brussels (Woluwe Saint-Lambert)
Station Roodebeek
Entrance by the garage door


20.00 – 21.15

18.30 – 19.45 


19.15 – 20.130

For beginners, don't hesitate to contact Béatrice Grognard.


- 16,00 € per class
- 5 classes card / 70,00 € valid 6 weeks


Tee-shirt or body, long and large skirt or confortable pants, scarve for the hips. Dances of Egypt are usually practised barefooted.

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« “ Tarab” is such a nice and sweet word, even when you don’t know what it means. This word is full of promises, discoveries, delight and joyfulness. The name of the school Béatrice created summarizes all that she brings into our lives: “enchantment”, surpassing and discovering oneself, meeting other people and oneself, these are the first things Béatrice teaches us through dancing and probably the most difficult things to teach. Thanks for everything and for this artistic path on which we travel together.» Fabienne

« What we learn at Tarab goes far beyond a simple dance class. With Béatrice as a teacher, dancing becomes a generous deed. We learn to listen to these wonderful pieces of music that carry great spirituality and incredible poetry… At Tarab, I found a way to develop at my own pace… From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Béatrice for all your generosity, your way of passing on your art, with so much attention for every one of us. Long live Tarab. » Evelyn

« Each class is a gift. Thank you for all that energy, enthusiasm, precision, pleasure, strictness and joy you carry each time you dance with us. Your dancing is constantly evolving and becomes more and more refined with the years… » Nete

« Generosity, sharing, conscience, movement, musicality, effort, kindness: this explosive mixture provides great pleasure during our dance classes. » Patricia

« Alertness, precision, elegance and transmission through these numerous danced variations: thank you for all this, Béatrice. » Yasmine

« Tarab or how to discover the infinite richness of the theatrical dances of Egypt, in a very cosy atmosphere and with great respect for the personality and the body of each dancer... Following Béatrice Grognard’s classes means to me coming at rest and being a woman. It also means discovering a fascinating universe and striking up friendships with other women. It is also a way to discover oneself and to take part in a flight of music every week. The spontaneous and warm laughter we share brings a breath of fresh air in our hectic lives. Tarab is a life experiment in which we approach the rich universe of emotions and their expressions: from sensual baladi to forceful sha'abi, through delicate and yet powerful Court classical style, we explore and discover the various dance styles with the help of a woman who does not impose anything but the liberty of every dancer. Tarab is a tribute to women, regardless of their age. Tarab means to me experimenting freedom through dancing. » Kitinepp

« I have been at Tarab every Tuesday night for more than ten years now. After many years of ballet dancing, I found it a bit difficult to get back on point shoes at almost 23. So I went in search for another kind of dancing where age would not be an impediment. ;-) After reading an article in a magazine, I ended up at a wonderful expression place called Tarab. I have been discovering new things ever since as these dance classes are really different from others.
At Tarab, we experiment the numerous styles of Egyptian dances, from traditional to modern, from the very codified to the most joyful ones. It takes some time to get used to the new sounds but after that, we discover the various aspects of a beautiful music repertoire. This music remembers us of something but its subtleties make us eager to explore it again and again. Step by step, we become initiated into Egyptian culture and we discover this country even before having actually set foot in Egypt. Encounters with talented musicians, conferences, the adventures of other “Tarabettes” and of course the patient explanations of Béatrice, our dance teacher all contribute to this impression of knowing Egypt.
What a gift to have Béatrice as a teacher: she shares her passion with simplicity and profoundness.
There is no place for dogma at Tarab. The only thing that is forbidden is to copy the teacher’s choreography. There is always a lot of space for personal interpretation. We are at Tarab to express ourselves and Béatrice presses us to be expressive. With great attention for detail and aesthetics, for correctly executed movements and not just something that “looks like it” but equally respecting our body, personality and life path. Béatrice proposes things more than imposing them. I guess sometimes she wonders what our dancing will result in: “Inch'Allah”! :-)
Anyway, the pleasure of dancing is always present and my desire to dance again and again is thoroughly fulfilled. The well-being that this artistic activity brings to me goes far beyond class time. In a nutshell, Tarab means Egyptian dances… and much more if interested. »
Laurence {/slider}